Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oh. Your. God. (NSFW)

Are you fucking kidding me?!?

Clinton - who should have faced impeachment for moral turpitude (not so much due to the extramarital affair - if it's mutually agreed-upon, that doesn't bother me.  But, lying about it and covering it up is a problem.)

Obama - who should damned well be facing trial for treason, usurpation, and crimes against the Constitution.

Now, their wives are the "Democrat Dream Team" for 2016?


I'm  not sure what worries me the most about this:
- The fact that they think they have a chance at running?
- The fact that the Democrats think that their running is a good idea?
- The fact that there is a largish percentage of hollow-headed piss weeds that would vote for them?
-- That they'd get votes simply for being women?
-- That they'd get votes simply for being a Black woman and a White woman?

Considering the sort of things their husbands were up to, I think we can figure out what they'd try to do to this country.

People, we've got to wake up!  "God save the Republic" - but we've got to help!  God can't do it alone...


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