Sunday, November 14, 2010


What's wrong with people these days? The kid wants to fly a US flag to honour the veterans in his family. LET HIM.

The worst part, it's that it's not the administration that wants it taken down on their own hook - it's being done in response to "student complaints." I'd be interested in learning the nationality of the students that complain (I'm giving myself three guesses - although they'd all be different, I'm almost willing to bet I'd be right on all three.)

I haven't written my letter yet, it needs to crystallise for a day or so. However, if any of you want to, use this contact information:

Denair Unified School District
Superintendent Edward Parraz
3460 Lester Road
Denair, CA 95316
Office (209) 632-7514 x1202


The fact that this is in California isn't terribly surprising to me. Go figure.

They're worried about "racial tensions" in school - and I figure that's because there are people who come here who can't consider themselves American FIRST. Pity. If you don't want to consider yourself an American, I'm not keeping you here - you are free to leave any time you like.

Go get 'im!

Taking a different tack...

Because I feel like it.

My wife and I did a trip up to Washington State recently, and she doesn't mind taking some notes while I drive. I'm not going to dictate essays and such (she's often writing as well,) but I'll toss ideas out and she'll scratch them down for me - we just agree on a keyword first (usually "Seed") so that it's set apart from conversation and she knows to write it down.

I've got three from this last trip. I haven't taken them to extension and written essays around them (yet. Gimme time...) but I want to see what my readers can do with them.

To this end, take one (or more!) of these idea seeds and run with it, writing an essay. Any length you like - I don't like to put too many limitations on people. However, a few are necessary, so here they are:
1) Your point must be logically constructed. Use readily-available information if you can do so, provide links to obscure information if you cannot.
2) No pointless vulgarity. An occasional "damn" or "Hell" for emphasis is perfectly acceptable, but don't get stupid with it. Use my own posts for a guideline.
3) Note that whatever you write and submit is subject to being put up here for all and sundry. To that end, I'd like to give credit where credit is due, but I understand that some people may prefer to remain anonymous. In either case, provide me with your proper name and email - but let me know if you want to remain anonymous, and I'll post it as simply "Reader Submission." I won't tell anyone about you - not even the government! - but I'd like to be able to pass along any comments that come in on your writing. If you don't want to remain anonymous, I'll post your proper name and email address so that you may receive comments directly.

That's not too bad, is it? Now, show me what you can do:

- "It's been said that we have the best government money can buy. The problem is that we spend entirely too much on it."

- "Democracy has been called 'the Tyranny of the Majority'. Our Representative Replublic has become either an indirect form of that, or perhaps a 'Tyranny of the Elected Minority'."

- "Elected Representatives have become the new monarchy. Don't believe me? How often did we hear the phrase 'Kennedy Dynasty" in the last thirty years? Or the 'Bayh Dynasty' in Indiana?"

- "Spirit of '76 - Re-Elect Nobody!"

Let's hear your ideas, instead of just mine!