Thursday, May 26, 2011

First Response - SB798

If it looks like boilerplate and quacks like boilerplate...

But at least the response was on-topic, so I'm assuming that someone read it! (I once wrote former Speaker Pelosi on a gun control measure, her office replied about some Child Custody Act. Wait, what?)

Anyhow, here's what I got back in return from Assymn Jim Beall (Assymn for my district):

----- SNIP -----

Dear Mr. Kelley:
Thank you for contacting me regarting your opposition to SB798, Firearms: BB Devices, Imitation Fireaerms. I want to take this opportunity to apprise you of the latest action taken by the California State Legislature.
At this time, SB798 is awaiting a vote before the Assembly Public Safety Committee. I have not yet had the opportunity to vote on this legislation. I am currently reviewing this bill in its final form so that I can make the most informed decision possible on this piece of legislation. Please be assured that I will keep the views of all my constituents in mind, including yours, should SB798 pass out of Committee and come before me for a vote in the Assembly.
I appreciate knowing your views on this issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me again regarding this or any issues of concern to you.

----- SNIP -----

The last two paragraphs of the letter are fairly standard - where to find text of bills, monthly newsletter signup, and like that.

As I said - if it looks like boilerplate and sounds like boilerplate... I've gotten plenty of letters back of similar format on other issues - but at least getting another checkmark in the "No" column on his list, and hoping some staffer tells him what was read, will help.

It can't be a "government of the people" if the people don't make their views known. Meanwhile, I may be writing the Chair of the committee mentioned in the next day or so - probably sometime this week-end. Seems to me that the California legislature should have much larger concerns before them anyhow...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Going from bad to worse...

Apparently, they're thinking that airguns are just as "dangerous" as real firearms. I see two major flaws in the "logic" at use here:

1) There are no "dangerous weapons" - only "dangerous men."

2) Airguns, firearms, airsoft guns, paintball markers - they're all inanimate objects, and can take about as much action on their own as the typical brick. It's the guy HOLDING it that does something stupid and gets himself hurt!

That said, here's what's going on now - read the link:

And here's what I had to say about it:

----- SNIP -----

Senator de Leon;
I am writing to you in protest of your SB798. It is my belief that this is ultimately going to be an unproductive bit of legislation that we just don't need.

SB798 continues the "animation" of firearms and related objects, attributing them with their own volition and ability to take real action. They can not, and they do not.

The incident that has prompted your writing of SB798 was not caused by the use of a replica firearm - or even a real firearm - but by the inability of an individual to follow simple instructions. If I'd failed to lay down whatever I had in my hands when ordered to, I'd fully expect to get shot myself! And this would be MY fault, not the fault of something I had in my hands.

As an avid airgunner and enjoyer of MILSIM (Military Simulation) scenario games, I take issue with the idea of making all airguns "obvious" - after all, it rather defeats the purpose of camouflage, and would make the play of MILSIM scenarios difficult to impossible! Have you ever tried to camouflage yourself with bright blue or red gear? It doesn't work very well.

I grow weary of the anthropomorphisation of inanimate objects by legislators - instead of addressing the real problem, which is the individual HOLDING the inanimate object!

I will also be sending this letter to the State legistlators for my district, and I honestly hope that we can have this act defested and the source of the problem properly addressed - the problem is a lack of education, not the colour of the objects used. (California had taken a similar tack with fireworks some years ago - and, despite fireworks being illegal, I'm sure we still log a large number of pyrotechnic injuries around July and February. It is difficult to educate people about something when it has been outlawed...)

Jon D. Kelley
San Jose, CA 95118

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If you're in California, and you think this is a dumb idea, write in. If you're NOT in California, and you think this is a dumb idea, I still urge you to write in (California is often hailed as a "bellwhether" in the field of legislation - and stupid ideas always spread.

(Granted, I think California is more of a "Judas Goat" than a "bellwhether" when it comes to things like this, but I need help convincing others of that!)

If and when I get replies, I'll put them up here as well. I'm sending out written letters, so it may take a bit. Wish me luck!

("Bellwhether" - the sheep in the flock that wears a bell to lead the others. "Judas Goat" - the goat with a bell that leads the other goats into the slaughterhouse.)