That smoking less will help.
I can agree that many people need some help to stop.
But, when will we stop putting people "in charge" (they're not supposed to be, but that's the way it always ends up) that insist on making people miserable for their own good?
Bloomberg's latest asininity:
At least his soda ban got overturned. I'm not sure his heart's in the right place on any of these - but I'm pretty sure he's not doing any proper thinking before he proposes & enacts this abject silliness (I can't quite classify it as "weapons-grade stupidity," but legislative stupidity is almost invariably stronger than the typical individual idiocy.)
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Some people never learn...
Amazing, isn't it? (Google for more.)
When are these imbeciles going to learn that raising minimum wage harms most the people it's purported to benefit, and the only people that really win are the people who collect the taxes? I think this is something that EVERYONE needs to learn - government & public alike.
Discuss. (Google for more.)
When are these imbeciles going to learn that raising minimum wage harms most the people it's purported to benefit, and the only people that really win are the people who collect the taxes? I think this is something that EVERYONE needs to learn - government & public alike.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
The English NHS is held up as a model... (NSFW)
For Obamacare.
Now, they're trying to triage incoming calls to determine whether an ambo crew is really needed - or if it's just the typical waste of resources by users.
Do we want to head in this direction as well? Frankly, I blame the people on this one, more than I do the regulators. It's similar to people going to an ER for the sniffles here - and end up getting sent home with an order for rest & fluids, because we have a cure for ZERO viral diseases (and most URIs, the common cold, and the grippe are all viral in origin.)
It's just as bad - because now you've got people running to the ER, and exposing people who are already actually ill to another viral illness - when their immunities are already compromised due to genuine major illness or trauma.
People, everything is not a fucking emergency! Chances are, you can stay home and save us all the trouble & risk, and save the resources of the ER for the people who actually need them - and can get beneficial use out of them!
I think this is the direction that socialized medicine is doomed to take, until people get out of the "entitlement mentality" and learn what constitutes a genuine emergency and what does not.
Now, they're trying to triage incoming calls to determine whether an ambo crew is really needed - or if it's just the typical waste of resources by users.
Do we want to head in this direction as well? Frankly, I blame the people on this one, more than I do the regulators. It's similar to people going to an ER for the sniffles here - and end up getting sent home with an order for rest & fluids, because we have a cure for ZERO viral diseases (and most URIs, the common cold, and the grippe are all viral in origin.)
It's just as bad - because now you've got people running to the ER, and exposing people who are already actually ill to another viral illness - when their immunities are already compromised due to genuine major illness or trauma.
People, everything is not a fucking emergency! Chances are, you can stay home and save us all the trouble & risk, and save the resources of the ER for the people who actually need them - and can get beneficial use out of them!
I think this is the direction that socialized medicine is doomed to take, until people get out of the "entitlement mentality" and learn what constitutes a genuine emergency and what does not.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Law of Unintended Consequences
Further deponent sayeth not.
Except - tell me again why this is such a good idea?
Further deponent sayeth not.
Except - tell me again why this is such a good idea?
Oh. Your. God. (NSFW)
Are you fucking kidding me?!?
Clinton - who should have faced impeachment for moral turpitude (not so much due to the extramarital affair - if it's mutually agreed-upon, that doesn't bother me. But, lying about it and covering it up is a problem.)
Obama - who should damned well be facing trial for treason, usurpation, and crimes against the Constitution.
Now, their wives are the "Democrat Dream Team" for 2016?
I'm not sure what worries me the most about this:
- The fact that they think they have a chance at running?
- The fact that the Democrats think that their running is a good idea?
- The fact that there is a largish percentage of hollow-headed piss weeds that would vote for them?
-- That they'd get votes simply for being women?
-- That they'd get votes simply for being a Black woman and a White woman?
Considering the sort of things their husbands were up to, I think we can figure out what they'd try to do to this country.
People, we've got to wake up! "God save the Republic" - but we've got to help! God can't do it alone...
It occurred to me that I should so one, so here goes:
- Not all posts will be 'work safe' - primarily due to language used (if I feel deeply about something, I should emphasize that.) I'll try to warn you in the title.
- Most of the opinions I express here will probably be unpopular. Why? I'm a Draconian son-of-a-bitch, and I have heavy-duty opinions. Deal. I've seen the worst of Man's inhumanity to Man, and I'm pretty far from the real nadir.
- Not all of the opinions I will express here are even mine. Why? Sometimes I'll take an extreme point of view in an effort to blast you out of your complacency and trigger some independent thought.
- I'm perfectly willing to entertain opposing viewpoints. I'm also willing to be convinced if I'm wrong. However, simply telling me I'm wrong, or just disagreeing me, is NOT going to work. Put some effort into it - an argument is not formed from the automatic, knee-jerk reflex gainsay of a position! If you're not willing to put some thought into articulating your disagreement, I don't want to hear it. TALK TO ME.
I am articulate and intelligent. I am also rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. I have strong opinions, but they are not fixed - they are indeed subject to change. Are you willing to put forth the effort to convince me?
I don't have a theme for this blog because life doesn't have a theme. The closest I get to a personal life theme is "up to eleven" - beyond that, things change too much! This is just what I'm thinking about, what I see that I like, or what pisses me off - and offering a solution (after all, if you can't offer a potential solution to the problem, you don't understand the problem. Again, "you're wrong!" is not an acceptable answer.)
Welcome aboard. Did you bring your helmet? Watch for flying objects!
- Not all posts will be 'work safe' - primarily due to language used (if I feel deeply about something, I should emphasize that.) I'll try to warn you in the title.
- Most of the opinions I express here will probably be unpopular. Why? I'm a Draconian son-of-a-bitch, and I have heavy-duty opinions. Deal. I've seen the worst of Man's inhumanity to Man, and I'm pretty far from the real nadir.
- Not all of the opinions I will express here are even mine. Why? Sometimes I'll take an extreme point of view in an effort to blast you out of your complacency and trigger some independent thought.
- I'm perfectly willing to entertain opposing viewpoints. I'm also willing to be convinced if I'm wrong. However, simply telling me I'm wrong, or just disagreeing me, is NOT going to work. Put some effort into it - an argument is not formed from the automatic, knee-jerk reflex gainsay of a position! If you're not willing to put some thought into articulating your disagreement, I don't want to hear it. TALK TO ME.
I am articulate and intelligent. I am also rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. I have strong opinions, but they are not fixed - they are indeed subject to change. Are you willing to put forth the effort to convince me?
I don't have a theme for this blog because life doesn't have a theme. The closest I get to a personal life theme is "up to eleven" - beyond that, things change too much! This is just what I'm thinking about, what I see that I like, or what pisses me off - and offering a solution (after all, if you can't offer a potential solution to the problem, you don't understand the problem. Again, "you're wrong!" is not an acceptable answer.)
Welcome aboard. Did you bring your helmet? Watch for flying objects!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
DST Yet Again...
I am so tired of this nonsense. It doesn't do anything useful, it won't do anything useful anymore, it screws with people, it screws with traffic twice a year (for about a fortnight at a time,) it screws with productivity, and it needs to stop.
Pick a time - I don't care which - and let us leave our clocks alone!
I don't care that many clocks are radio-synchronized or Internet-synchronized, I'm not going to drop $300 on a watch so I don't have to play with it - I'll probably screw it up anyhow (I can't wear digital, and battery-powered analogue watches are only good for 5-6 years for me.)
I grew up in Indiana without DST, and came out just fine.
Then that damned fool in Washington a few years back got the dates moved because "it puts a smile on people's faces."
You want to put a smile on my face? Make the whole idea go away!
I'm about to throw all of my clocks on Zulu and leave them there - just remember what the current offset is. Only problem with that is my wife doesn't think that way, and it would screw her up (it's taken her this long to get used to my thinking on a 24-hour dial...)
Pick a time - I don't care which - and let us leave our clocks alone!
I don't care that many clocks are radio-synchronized or Internet-synchronized, I'm not going to drop $300 on a watch so I don't have to play with it - I'll probably screw it up anyhow (I can't wear digital, and battery-powered analogue watches are only good for 5-6 years for me.)
I grew up in Indiana without DST, and came out just fine.
Then that damned fool in Washington a few years back got the dates moved because "it puts a smile on people's faces."
You want to put a smile on my face? Make the whole idea go away!
I'm about to throw all of my clocks on Zulu and leave them there - just remember what the current offset is. Only problem with that is my wife doesn't think that way, and it would screw her up (it's taken her this long to get used to my thinking on a 24-hour dial...)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
A Few Words on Littering...
"Littering is bad, m'kay?" [/MACKEY]
However, it still gets done. And we get stupid laws put in place to "prevent" it - like San Jose's bag law - new this year!
- Stores may not hand out plastic bags AT ALL anymore (takeout food shops are exempt.)
- Only paper bags may be offered.
- These bags must be from a source that certifies some percentage of post-consumer recycling (I don't recall how much.)
- Offered? Yeah. If you're smart, you bring your own bags. If you don't, you can buy bags with your groceries - bags are ten cents each. They say they're reusable, but the handles don't work and the bags tear.
- The merchant must purchase the bags, but funds raised from consumers buying the bags go to the city.
- And, it still doesn't address the basic problem - people throwing shit out the window.
Although I don't think that's the biggest source of litter. Other sources?
- I'm always picking up stuff that people threw out on the side of the street into my yard! At least a good chunk of it is CRV, so I do pick up some nickels with the trash (I have a very aggressive recycling programme here at home. If I were allowed to run a small incinerator, and the City were to properly mount its kerbside recycling programme, I'd have a landfill footprint of ZERO.)
- People keep sticking business cards or flyers in my front door, or hanging them on the knob. On laying them on the front stoop. I know how to use Yellow Pages - dropping stuff in my lap like that is usually a good way to make sure I don't get anything from you! And, it's been known to blow around. Whose fault is it when it ends up in the street before I get home?
- People putting things under the windscreen wipers or in the beltline weatherstrip on my car door. This Really. Pisses. Me. Off. It's invariably for items, services, or events I have no interest in, and don't care if they happen or not. This leaves me with a few options:
-- Yank it out and drop it. As far as I'm concerned, the person who put it there was littering, he just wasn't committed to the job.
-- Yank it out and handle it myself. Why should I be forced to do your job?
-- Yank it out and ram it up your ass. I would, but the person who put it there is usually long gone.
(I don't know why, but putting some BS like that on my car is a bigger pisser-offer than sticking it on my front door!)
And let's not limit "litter" to material objects? How about pop-up adverts online? Just more crap you don't want that you have to deal with. I'd also include SPAM in that list, but that's more like "postage due junk mail" than anything else ("junk mail" because that's exactly what it is. "Postage Due" because the sender doesn't have to commit any resources to getting it out. At least regular junk mail is something that pays the Postal People...)
Whatever happened to the days when advertising was inoffensive, and could be readily ignored?
However, it still gets done. And we get stupid laws put in place to "prevent" it - like San Jose's bag law - new this year!
- Stores may not hand out plastic bags AT ALL anymore (takeout food shops are exempt.)
- Only paper bags may be offered.
- These bags must be from a source that certifies some percentage of post-consumer recycling (I don't recall how much.)
- Offered? Yeah. If you're smart, you bring your own bags. If you don't, you can buy bags with your groceries - bags are ten cents each. They say they're reusable, but the handles don't work and the bags tear.
- The merchant must purchase the bags, but funds raised from consumers buying the bags go to the city.
- And, it still doesn't address the basic problem - people throwing shit out the window.
Although I don't think that's the biggest source of litter. Other sources?
- I'm always picking up stuff that people threw out on the side of the street into my yard! At least a good chunk of it is CRV, so I do pick up some nickels with the trash (I have a very aggressive recycling programme here at home. If I were allowed to run a small incinerator, and the City were to properly mount its kerbside recycling programme, I'd have a landfill footprint of ZERO.)
- People keep sticking business cards or flyers in my front door, or hanging them on the knob. On laying them on the front stoop. I know how to use Yellow Pages - dropping stuff in my lap like that is usually a good way to make sure I don't get anything from you! And, it's been known to blow around. Whose fault is it when it ends up in the street before I get home?
- People putting things under the windscreen wipers or in the beltline weatherstrip on my car door. This Really. Pisses. Me. Off. It's invariably for items, services, or events I have no interest in, and don't care if they happen or not. This leaves me with a few options:
-- Yank it out and drop it. As far as I'm concerned, the person who put it there was littering, he just wasn't committed to the job.
-- Yank it out and handle it myself. Why should I be forced to do your job?
-- Yank it out and ram it up your ass. I would, but the person who put it there is usually long gone.
(I don't know why, but putting some BS like that on my car is a bigger pisser-offer than sticking it on my front door!)
And let's not limit "litter" to material objects? How about pop-up adverts online? Just more crap you don't want that you have to deal with. I'd also include SPAM in that list, but that's more like "postage due junk mail" than anything else ("junk mail" because that's exactly what it is. "Postage Due" because the sender doesn't have to commit any resources to getting it out. At least regular junk mail is something that pays the Postal People...)
Whatever happened to the days when advertising was inoffensive, and could be readily ignored?
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