Found this one hiding in the buffer. Enjoy...
Which is more contentious?
Why is it so important that absolutely everyone be vaccinated against a disease with an aggregate 99.97% survival rate (99.995% under 60?)
Why is it so important that everyone be vaccinated - even if they've already had the disease and have immunities against it - immunities which have been proven in studies to be better than the "leaky" vaccine? (Reinfection rates are considerably lower than breakthrough infection rate. Israeli studies - here's one[1] - show reinfection rates to be effectively zero. The Cleveland Clinic[2] found no logical reason to vaccinate those who had previously been infected with COVID-19.)
The government decries vaccine hesitancy, but doesn't realise that it itselc causes vaccine hesitancy.[3, 4]
The vaccine makers didn't help their cause any, either.[5] (N.B. - It's since come out that, "the information is online." Well, then, put a smaller piece of paper in with a statement to that effect, instead of a child's bedsheet left blank! It's not that difficult to do, y'know?)
Our mentally soi-distant feckless leader Biden:
- Prior to getting elected: "Does not trust Trump to deliver a safe vaccine."[6, 7] Now: "Everybody get vaccinated." (Read the papers)
- Before: "There will be no Federal vaccine mandates."[8] Now: Read the papers.
- Acting like a drug pusher, rolling out boosters before anyone really even knows they're necessary [9, 10]
- And I'm sure much more I really don't feel like looking up at the moment (I have other things to do.)
And, of course, we're constantly being exhorted to "follow the science." Um, okeh. I have been "following the science." I've studied SARS-CoV-2 enough that I can discuss it intelligently with medical doctors, on their level. And you want to know one of the solid conclusions that we've all reached? The Federal government, the CDC, and Fauci don't know what the Hell they're doing. Some tips:
- Soap works. Use it. I know they say twenty seconds - foodservice says 30 seconds. The extra ten seconds won't kill you (hey - as a first aider, I was taught to scrub for a full minute. Deal.) Soap works better than the alcohol hand sanitizers, and it doesn't burn those little cuts, either.
- Physical distancing? Useless. If you were to do 30 feet (10m) or so, maybe. 6 feet? May as well just stand right next to him (and either the masks STOP particles or they DON'T. If you're wearing a cloth mask, I'm willing to bet they DON'T. Woven materials is an ineffective filter, and the pore size is just too damn big.) [11, 12]
- Gee whiz. The science, once again, agrees with what I knew intuitively - that the cloth masks everyone is going about wearing border on useless.[13] (N.B. - The minimal filtering effect offered by these masks can probably be considered negated by people fiddling around with their masks and with poor fitment.)
[1] Comparing SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity to Vaccine-Induced Immunity: Reinfections Versus Breakthrough Infections:
[2] Necessity of COVID-19 Vaccination in Previously-Infected Individuals:
[3] Speaking of Big Buts, the Unethical Quite of the Month: Dr. Anthony Fauci :
[4] "They're Experimenting On Us" - Why Black New Yorkers Don't Trust the Vaccine: (It's not just black New Yorkers - the vaccine rollout has been the biggest drug study in history - that has been and probably will ever be. They've talked billions into taking part. Because you do know that these vaccines are, technically, still in study period, right? The only one that has gotten FDA approval, I believe, is still not available in the United States...
[5] YouTube Video of Pharmacist Breaking Out Package Insert of Johnson & Johnson SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine -
[6] "Biden Does Not Trust Trump to Deliver Safe Vaccine":
[7] "Biden Says Americans Can't Trust Trump on Vaccines":
[8] FLASHBACK: President-Elect Joe Biden Was Against Vaccine Mandates:
[9] FDA Officials Said Americans Don't Need Booster. Biden Went Ahead with One Anyway:
[10] FDA Experts Among Group Opposing Booster Shot Plan:
[11] Understanding Particle Size Aerosol-Based Transmission:
[12] Pathway is Important, Not Distance:
[13] American Association of Physicians & Surgeons - Mask Facts:
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