Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Is it worth killing someone for?

Ok, I know, I've been away for a while.  Can we just say I've had an awful lot happening around here, and leave it at that?  I never promised regular updates, that was in the very first post...

Anyhow, here's something I'd planned on sending to my Congresscritters (all of them - at all levels) and I think it makes for a good post here as well.  Let me know what you think.

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Is this worth killing someone for?

              Before you propose a new measure, or a new law, that’s a question you should be asking yourself.  Is what you’re proposing worth killing someone over?

              Why?  Because that is what can happen.  It’s not guaranteed to happen, but it’s possible.  Id est:
-          Someone doesn’t wear their seat belt
-          Officer Law sees this.
-          Officer Law pulls the wayward citizen over to cite him
-          Citizen refuses citation, chucks it back out through the window.  Officer Law puts it back in citizen’s hand.
-          Rinse, repeat.  Officer Law gets frustrated with this, and decides it’s time to remove citizen from his vehicle.
-          Enforcement for not wearing a seat belt has now risen to the point of battery.
-          Citizen, not liking being treated this way, keeps trying to get out of Officer Law’s grip and restraint, trying to free himself.  Battery continues.
-          Officer Law finally gets citizen proned out on the pavement, kneeling on his upper back, and finally trying to get cuffs on his hands.  Battery continues.
-          Forgot to mention – citizen is asthmatic.  So, not only have we triggered an attack with all this rough handling (over a law where the only person being endangered is the citizen himself,) but we are now compressing his chest and making it difficult for him to get a lungful of air.  Enforcement has now risen to the point of attempted manslaughter.
-          Officer Law does not listen to citizen’s pleas for air (it’s happened in actual fact,) and maintains pressure on the citizen’s back until a backup officer arrives so he can have help handling this man.  Breathing stops.  Enforcement has now elevated to the point of manslaughter in fact.  Call the coroner, write the report.

Now, do you honestly think that someone not wearing his seat belt (just an example, mind) was worth getting killed over?  How about that fellow – Eric Garner? – in New York selling single smokes, and pretty much this happened to him.  Was “selling singles” worth killing a man over?  I am highly inclined to think not.
Every new regulation, every new measure, every new law that you propose, you should be asking yourself that question – is this worth killing someone over?  My own past experience notwithstanding, death is permanent.   You’ve ended a life – and for what?  Six bucks’ worth of smokes?  Not wearing a seat belt?  Someone who just got through a gnarly day, and now he’s being pestered for a taillamp being out (as opposed to simply being told such on the loud-hailer, which is how these things used to be handled.)
If you think that such minor infractions are worth killing over, you have a seriously skewed sense of priorities, and I question your ability to serve in elected office.

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