- "Sedition" - Rebelling against lawful authority. What if the authority you're rebelling against is unlawful?
- "Treason" - Giving aid & comfort to the enemy. Generally assumed to be an enemy of the government. But, what if the enemy is the government?
- "Overthrow" - To depose or remove from authority by force. I've been accused before of wanting to "overthrow" government, so let me go on record here:
I do not want to overthrow the government
I want to reboot the government
When you come right down to it - for all its flaws (to which I am not blind,) we did start out with a pretty damned good system of governance. "A Republic, sir, if you can keep it." Unfortunately, we're losing our Republic. Government is taking more & more control - not only of us, but of the actions of the Several States - and if the new Democrats have their way, we'll be transformed into the USSA (with a new revolution to soon follow. Socialist/communist governments don't last very long...) Activist judges are ruling by diktat from the bench (creating law, vice interpreting it,) and Congress is beginning to ignore its own rules (remember the whole Obamacare flap? Remember the "penalty/fee/tax/individual mandate/what-the-Hell-ever-it's-called" for not having coverage? That's a tax measure. Recall your high school Civics - tax measures are only supposed to originate in the House. This one originated in the Senate, and it should have been struck on that measure alone!)
Just a couple of thoughts, at 0330 this fine morning. Watch your six, and keep your powder dry.
Just a couple of thoughts, at 0330 this fine morning. Watch your six, and keep your powder dry.
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