Thursday, July 4, 2013

The difference between fact and fiction? (NSFW-L)

Fiction is still constrained by the limits of believability.

Which is why we have the phrase, "You can't make this shit up!"

Yes, the world has indeed gone mad - some of it just faster than others.

The "Great State of Washington" has decided, debated, voted upon, and signed into a law a measure requiring that current and future laws be rewritten in "Gender Neutral" language.

"Fisherman?"  Nope - you're a "fisher" now.
"Freshman?"  Try "First-year student."
"Penmanship?"  Gone entirely - now it's "handwriting." 

In all, they've had the time, resources, and funding to change some 40,000 words of state law (the fact that there were 40,000 words that "needed" changing - and weren't even all of the words of state law - is an issue for another discussion!)

Oh, fuck me very much.  (And it should come as no surprise that this is a Democrat measure, signed into law by a Democrat governor.)

I just can't believe this.  With the price of housing creating a new class of person - the "working homeless" - the price of petroleum blowing EVERYTHING out of proportion, the job market falling to bits around our ears, wages aren't keeping up with inflation anyhow, the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") coming in a few more months to bone us all, and everything else that fair DEMANDS IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, you have the time, effort, and money to piss away on THIS bullshit?

Stupid ideas like this are why I'd like to be "HMFIC of Common Sense" - my job to walk around legislative chambers with a four-foot section of 2x4, and swat anyone who comes up with a stupid idea like this in the back of his head and fine him whatever I feel necessary, in proportion to the asininity displayed (min. fine $5,000, but true "weapons-grade stupidity" may be punished by just withholding ALL of their pay and having done with it.)

It's incidents like this that make me think that elected officials should be paid according to quality and utility of work output - because then THEY would pay US for permission to work, which would help to offset the continuous budgetary deficits they keep bawling about...

Discuss.  Bear in mind that, as I was taught in school (and countless generations before me,) "In cases of mixed, indeterminate, or unknown gender; the use of the masculine pronoun shall be considered appropriate."  (This has held true in every language I've had even a passing familiarity with...)

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