Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What is it out here?

Is there something in the water that makes people drive stupid?

I had to run errands to-day.  This is something I try to avoid, because if I did it regularly I'd need antipsychotics.

Since when does a Ford Excursion fit into a parking spot marked "COMPACT?"  It's bad enough people out here can't figure out you're supposed to park BETWEEN the lines instead of ON them - but when you are parking ON one line and OVER another, YOU DON'T FIT.  Get used to it.

At least I caught her when she had just pulled in and was unloading her yuppie larva.  I had four inches - four inches - between my door and the side of her truck.  I'm a big guy (6'3", 288# as of Monday,) and I wouldn't be able to fit into a door I could open four inches in the first place.  With my knee and hip acting up, it just...

Will.  Not.  Happen.

Yeah, I could probably stick my cane in the door, but not me.  And it's not a bench seat - I can't slide across, unless I was the gearshift up my ass.

So, I leaned against the back of the car while she was futzing around with her spawn (another problem - since when do you need a Ford Excursion to ferry around one kid?  I know a family with three kids that does just fine with a U100 (full-size) Bronco!

When she was coming around, I held up my hand.  Pointed to the (nearly non-existant) gap between vehicles.  Pointed to me.  Held up my cane a couple of inches, to show that I'm at a disadvantage.  Then stood there and grinned.

At least she got it - I kept an eye on the kid in the pram while she backed out.  Then I backed out while she watched the kid.  Then I watched the kid while she pulled into the space I was in (it was an end space, so there was more "give.")  Then I yielded the kid back when she'd pulled in and locked up.

Took five minutes for me to get into my car and get room to back out, because she couldn't be bothered to think.

She had a "blue tag" on the rearview mirror - but it wasn't a handicapped spot.  I guess "hard of thinking" is now a recognisable mobility disability?  She didn't make it to "So stupid you can't eve move."

Had another halfwit on the freeway - in the rain! - who decided he needed to turn right.  Right now.  From the left-hand lane!

He cut across three lanes of traffic, in the rain, and missed me by about six inches.  If he'd hit me, I wouldn't have asked for his liability insurance information - I'd have asked if his health coverage was paid up and current.  Sorry, but that's just too damned stupid to go unanswered...

My psychologist says I shouldn't commute, and should interact minimally with the general public.  I'm either an atavism or borderline psychotic, but everyone is safer if I can work at home.

So, I work at home.  A good thing I do - I'd probably be running people over just for drill before too long!  Anyone want to start a pool on when I have a psychotic break?  I get half of the pot - I'll need it for bail...

I swear - a good 95% of the "drivers" in CA (I use that term euphemitsically) are outright incompetent.  Four out of the five remaining (per 100) are passable.  Half of one percent could be considered actually competent, and the other half of that one percent could actually be called "good."

The primary reason that the cops all have clean driving records (based on observations) is simple professional courtesy.  I see black-and-whites doing things that make me go "What the fuck, over?" on a regular basis as well.

Gotta be the water.  I'll stick to booze.


  1. people who grew up in the mid-west have no business trying to live off-planet. you will get yourself hurt out there.

  2. Yeah, CA makes me feel like an expat American.

    Can't decide if I should move to Antarctica, or move to Luna. Either would be better...

    Intelligent life is few and far between out here. "These people suffer from delusions of adequacy."
