Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Introductory Post -

Well, looks like I've finally broken down and done it.

Granted, I never said I'd never have a blog, but it always seemed like a silly thing to me - most of them that I've seen are of the "Look at me! Look! LOOK!" variety, but I'm hoping I can do it differently.

I'm not after padding my ego - I try to keep my ego in check. What I want to do is take what I see, what I hear, and what's going on, and apply a little rational analysis to it. Think of this as part "Uncle Jay" and part "Robert Heinlein" - with a little bit of Diogenes the Cynic thrown in as well. (But no Zeno of Cittium - I'm not a Stoic, I'm a Cynic. I'm not good at just accepting things as they are...)

Update schedule? If and when. It really depends on what is going on, and how often it's happening. I could update this thing nine times a week, four times a day - or a few months could go by without a post. It's up to the world as I see it, not up to me.

But, I have a feeling that I'll be updating fairly frequently due to Obama's presidency, and the Democrats being in control of both houses won't hurt anything, either. To quote Will Rogers - "I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." Some humour just writes itself, you know?

"In the house of the rich man, there is nowhere to spit but in his face." -Diogenes

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