Thursday, July 1, 2021

An open letter to Governor Gavin Nuisance

 Look, I've had a lot going on.  I never promised regular updates, right?  But I needed to write the governor, and I thought it would not be amiss to let everyone know what I was writing about.  Redacted for privacy (those of you who need to know what's going on already know what's going on.)

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Governor Newsom -

  I know I'm a bit behind on this, but I've been busy caring for my wife (who, coincidentally, has COVID.  She has been in hospital since the 13th.)  However, I note with some dismay - although I'm not at all surprised - your dicta on the California vaccine passport/database/whatever you choose to call it - but, in the final analysis, it's a passport.  And, it's being dangled as a restriction on freedoms, "encouraging" us to get the COVID jabs.

  My wife and I refused the jabs.  I freely admit, we both got COVID - I did not require hospitalization, but I'm only 49, and got over it in three days.  I thought it was a bad summer cold.  However, she's 66 and asthmatic, so it has hit her rather harder.  I shan't go into her condition, I suspect I don't have the space.

  Were you aware that it is a violation of national and international law to force people to partake in a medical experiment, or to cause them to do so without their knowledge?  Did you know that removing the freedoms of people to move about and freely associate constitutes at least a partial deprivation of rights, which constitutes duress, which constitutes force?  Did you know that the earliest any of the COVID jabs will get out of study is late 2022?  That means they're still experimental.  Think about that.

  Relevant law was passed shortly after World War II, so that no-one could again do what the Nazis did upon the Jews - vivisection, stress experiments on twins, and the like.

  You can find relevant law in the Nuremberg Code, the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, and our own 50USC1520a.

  You may have also noticed that many states (including my home state of Indiana - I'm a transplant) have outright barred the idea of "vaccine passports," either by executive or legislative action.  I'd half hoped that California, styling itself being made up of "rugged individualists," would have done the same.  Alas, California has continued their 30-year record of disappointing me. 

  I suggest you read the laws I cited above and reconsider your position.  I did not take the jab, neither did my wife.  We both got COVID.  Several people I know have had COVID, to varying degrees.  Most of us will continue to refuse to take the jab - our own natural immunity is superior to anything that would come out of a needle, and I've just asked my doctor if I could get a test added to an order to confirm the presence of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) and Immunoglobulin G (IgG) for COVID - if they are, indeed, present, I will consider that my "proof of immunization" and carry it accordingly - but you're going to have to be pretty damned convincing to get me to show it to you.  After all, you may have the right to ask the question, but you are in no way entitled to an answer.  HIPPA may not apply, but we've got this little thing called Amendment IV that allows us to be private in our "persons, papers, and effects" - and medical questions are definitely about "persons."  I have already told you FAR more of my medical history than you are at all entitled to.

  I look forward to either your reversal of your action of 18JUN, or your personal reply for further discussion.  You have my email, above.

Jon D. Kelley
